Starting an eco-fertilizer company can support our crops, create jobs in our community and also support the health of groundwater.
We have already produced our first patch that we use for our garden and would next up need to start producing also for sales to create an income for our community.

Why do we need to support new local businesses?

We really want these communities to reach independence so that one day they wouldn’t need donations any more. For that we want to support circular economy and support new businesses that could create new jobs and bring profits back to the community and boost their economy. Since we also want to be mindful in our decisions, take care of our nature and spread these values, we came up with an idea of supporting and offering capital for sustainable and regenerative businesses that could support these communities, their economy and their (also our) environment.

What does he need for that?

Our brother Mugonzi said that for this production he needs big water drums, water basins, measuring cylinders, jerry cans and sieves to start the production of the fertilizer. The running costs will be for the ingredients,  transport, packaging (which we agreed should be reusable and nature friendly) and the salary for the workers. After starting the production of the fertilizer the first patch will be ready in two months. As soon as they can start selling the fertilizers they won’t be needing our help anymore for the running costs.

What's the budget?

Three water drums are costing about 90 EUR. 

Three water basins are costing about 54 EUR. 

Five measuring cylinders are costing about 22 EUR. 

Twenty five jerry cans cost about 64 EUR. 

Five sieves cost about 15 EUR. 

The ingredients for the first patch will cost about 120 EUR. 

Plus bottles and transport and employment. 

You can read more about the situation in Uganda, Bugiri here and if you have any questions about this project, feel free to ask us via e-mail or Instagram.

PS. You can also support us with your work or knowledge. Maybe you have knowledge about water filters or are great at social media or want to arrange a fundraiser concert! If you feel like contributing to our mission and helping these projects come true, you are welcome to join us in any way! Contact us via e-mail or Instagram.